Vaikunta Ekadasi is celebrated by the Vaishnava community. It is a common belief that the door of Va
परमा एकादशी को वर्ष के लीप माह में मनाया जाता है, जिसे ’मलमास’ या अधिक मास के नाम से भी जाना जाता है
Parama Ekadashi is observed on the leap month of the year, also known as the ‘Malmas’ or the Adhika
स्कंद पुराण में पद्मिनी एकादशी के महत्व का उल्लेख है और भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने धर्मराज युधिष्ठिर को स्पष
Skanda Purana mentions the importance of Padmini Ekadashi and Lord Krishna had given clear direction
Understand the difference between the Sun, Moon and Rising Star. Understand how their difference inf
An individual takes birth under different zodiac signs governing the twelve houses; the celestial pr
ज्योतिष में शुक्र की भूमिका और महत्व। वैदिक ज्योतिष में शुक्र की भूमिका और महत्व प्रेम, सौंदर्य, खुश
Life is unpredictable, Birth star astrology is a way to ascertain good times and bad times that are
Janam Kundali has been the most important tool of Indian Astrology to guide the natives about their
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