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Budh Pradosh Vrat Katha

Budh Pradosh Vrat Katha

Updated Date : सोमवार, 21 अक्तूबर, 2024 07:33 पूर्वाह्न

Budh Pradosh Vrat (Saumya Pradosh)

Budh Pradosh Vrat (Saumya Pradosh) is celebrated when the thirteenth day of the Full Moon and New Moon falls on Wednesday of any week. You have to offer evening prayers to Lord Shiva. You can also pacify Mercury and get the blessings of Lord Ganesha by observing this Vrat.

Budh Pradosh Vrat Katha

Once, there was a husband and wife who were newly married. Two days after marriage, the woman left for her maternal home. After some days, the man went to bring his wife back. It was a Wednesday when the man decided that he would bring his wife back home. The relatives of the girl tried to stop them, saying that Wednesday is not a good day for seeing a daughter off. But the man did not agree and he took his wife and started his journey on the same day.

After reaching the outskirts of the city, the woman felt thirsty and she requested the husband to get her some water. The man took a tumbler and went off to fetch water. When he returned, he found out that his wife was drinking water from a similar tumbler and a man who looked exactly like this husband was talking to her and she was laughing and smiling happily with this man. Seeing this, the man began to fight with the other man. Slowly a lot of crowd came and surrounded them. Even a soldier came up and asked what the matter was, and also charged the wife to tell who her husband was. But, the girl kept quiet as both of them looked similar. 

Just then, the husband began to worship Shiva. He prayed within his heart to Lord Shiva asking him to pardon his folly. He accepted his mistake in front of the Lord and no sooner did he finish praying, the other man vanished in thin air. Both the husband and the wife, then began keeping the Budh Pradosh Vrat every year to get the blessings of Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha

Significance of Budh Pradosh Vrat

There is an immense importance of observing Budh Prodosh Vrat (Saumya Pradosh Vrat) owing to the benefits it bestows to the devotees. 

  • You would succeed in your job or business by keeping the Budh Pradosh Vrat.
  • All your heart’s desires are fulfilled.
  • If you observe this Vrat you would be happy in your family. During the evenings, you must apply sandalwood paste on petals from red roses and then put it in front of the deities. Burn a Diya that is lit using cow butter. Chant the Panchakshar mantra for a happy and healthy family.

Thus, by worshipping Shiva Parvati on this pure momentous occasion, you come to know that the blessings come from them in some or the other form. It may not be in any of the above ways, but it might be in some other forms and ways. 

Mercury is the most intelligent planet of all, so try using green on this day. Wear something green or have something green for yourself. Mercury is quite intellectual and expects a lot of maturity and discipline from people in return. Thus, if you note, various restrictions discussed below are also imposed while observing the Budh Pradosh Vrat simply with the intention to honour Mercury in the process. Mercury is also the reason why you would do well in your job if you observe this Vrat, since Mercury blesses you with a sharp and analytical mind.

Mercury also blesses you with a healthy child who might live up to earn a lot of respect, name and fame from society.

Certain restrictions that have to be followed during Budh Pradosh Vrat

There are certain restrictions that you need to follow when observing Budh Pradosh Vrat falls on a Wednesday. Since this day is associated with Mercury, there are certain things you need to follow :

  1. For the Budh Pradosh Vrat, it would be nice to face the northern side of the house when you offer prayers for Pradosh Vrat.
  2. During the Budh Pradosh Vrat do not wear clothes that you were already wearing during the day.
  3. During the entire span of Budh Pradosh Vrat, keep chanting the mantra of “Om Namah Shivay.”

Ways to worship during Budh Pradosh Vrat

  • During Budh Pradosh Vrat if you worship Lord Ganapati and Lord Shiva together then you may be benefited immensely.
  • Wear a pair of clean clothes and touch the feet of the elders at home.
  • Add sugar to the water you use for Surya Namaskar.
  • Take 27 green Durva grass and put it in a Kalash with some vermilion and then offer that to Lord Ganapati.
  • Offer milk, curd, Ghee, honey and sugar on the Shivling and then add plain water on the Shivling.
  • Add red fruit and red sweet to Lord Ganapati and offer bhog of the same with the kheer made up of plain rice.
  • Chant “Om Namah Shivay” for 108 times.

Different Types of Pradosh Vrat and Their Vrat Katha

SR. No. Day Pradosh Vrat Katha
1 Monday Som Pradosh Vrat Katha
2 Tuesday Mangal Pradosh (Bhaum Pradosh) Vrat Katha
3 Wednesday Budh Pradosh (Saumya Pradosh) Vrat Katha
4 Thursday Guru Pradosh Vrat Katha
5 Friday Shukra Pradosh Vrat Katha
6 Saturday Shani Pradosh Vrat Katha
7  Sunday Ravi Pradosh (Bhaanu Pradosh) Vrat Katha

ज्योतिषी से बात करें

वैवाहिक संघर्ष, प्रेम संबंध समस्या। कॉल पर गुना मिलान और रिलेशनशिप परामर्श।


नौकरी में संतुष्टि की कमी, करियर की समस्याएं? करियर और सफलता के लिए ज्योतिषी से सलाह लें।


धन की कमी, विकास और व्यावसायिक समस्याएं? कॉल पर ज्योतिषी द्वारा उपाय और समाधान प्राप्त करें।


सटीकता और संतुष्टि की गारंटी

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