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Hair and Nails Cutting Days As Per Astrology

hair and nails cutting days

Updated Date : मंगलवार, 08 अक्तूबर, 2024 09:22 पूर्वाह्न

You have probably heard your elders advise against cutting your hair on certain days or not cutting your nails at night. There are numerous reasons why elders say this. As per Hindu beliefs and astrology, cutting nails or hair is prohibited on certain days of the week. So, what is the reason behind this belief, and what is the best day to cut hair and nails? 

Most individuals do not believe in good or bad days for getting their nails done, or they do not choose a particular day of the week. Usually, it is determined by their holidays or spare time, and usually, people choose at the last minute of the moment to have a haircut. However, there are some good hair cutting days as per astrology when it is appropriate to get your nails and hair cut. 

Cutting nails and hair has a significant impact on our lives. To find out the good days to cut your hair and nails, you can easily determine by the planetary and lunar alignments that affect different aspects of our lives. Additionally, getting a haircut as per the Hindu hair cutting days is supposed to bring good fortune in life. So, let us find out what is the best day to cut hair and nails, as per astrology. 

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Significance of Cutting Hair According to the Hindu Hair Cutting Days

Hair is an important part of Hindu mythology and has a long history and cultural significance. For example, we usually shave a newborn's head as a representation of their negative deeds and karma from their past lives. In the same way, giving someone your hair during their burial represents giving up your bad traits and emotional connections in order to perform your last rituals. 

Astrology is an interesting field that shows how a person's planets influence their lives. Cutting hair in accordance with Hindu hair cutting days can be very helpful to us and bring in a lot of success and benefits. Selecting the best day to cut hair might result in a lot of good things in our lives. We can release our worries and difficulties when we cut our hair as per astrology since it also signifies the removal of negative energy from our lives. 

In the same way, cutting your hair on bad days can work against you and disturb the harmonious balance in your life. Cutting your hair on hair cutting days according to astrology may also mean that you are lining up with the stars and planets. The good days for cutting hair give you a healthy living state and align your planet. Let us move on to learn which days are the best days to cut nails and why.

Which Day Is Bad For Cutting Hair As Per Astrology?

You may experience major life issues when you cut your hair on a bad day, according to astrology. Therefore, in order to prevent these issues, we must make sure that you prevent yourself from cutting your hair on bad days. So, here are some of the not-so-good days for cutting hair, as per astrology.


There is a significant connection between human moods and mental states and the moon. Human emotions and thoughts are greatly influenced by the lunar cycle. The Moon is additionally known by the name Som; thus, Monday is called Somwar. Cutting your hair on Monday is not fortunate at all. If you cut your hair on Monday, it could cause health issues and negatively impact your mental health. Mondays are not the best days for cutting hair since they can cause you to feel angry and make it difficult for you to think properly. 

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Tuesday is associated with the Hindu deity Hanuman, who stands for perseverance and dedication. If you are trying to find the best days to cut hair! Tuesday is not so good day to cut your hair because it is like cutting your own life short! Many people think that cutting your hair on this day will have disastrous effects and shorten your life. Because Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the fierce planet, it also represents conflict and violence. Getting a haircut on Tuesday could make you more vulnerable to debt, disagreements, and fury.


There is a widespread belief that Thursday is the ideal day for religious ceremonies such as pujas. This is because Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi have a big impact on this day. But considering the hair cutting days as per astrology, Thursdays are bad days to cut your hair because it could be interpreted as a disrespect to the gods. Thursday is not so good day for cutting hair because Laxmi, the goddess of wealth, might depart your house. Jupiter rules Thursday; therefore, cutting your hair on this day could have a negative effect on your horoscope. 


Saturday is also known by the name Shaniwar. This is because Shani or Saturn have a strong impact on Saturday. Shani, the god of anger and wrath, even terrifies other gods. Saturday is not the day to cut your hair if you are seeking the best days for cutting hair because these negative habits will become more noticeable in your life. A common misconception is that cutting your hair on Saturday will enrage the goddess Shani and result in unanticipated misfortunes. It has been identified as the cause of early or untimely death, or Pitrudosh as per the Hindu hair cutting days. 


Sundays are days of the Sun. Therefore, it is advised to avoid getting a haircut on Sunday since it may bring misfortune. It is also called Raviwar since Sunday is the day of the Sun god Ravi, sometimes called Surya. Cutting your hair on Sundays, also called Raviwar, is considered a not-so-good day to cut your hair, as it is said to bring misfortune and conflict into your life. As per Hindu hair cutting days, you can also experience a loss of fortune and intelligence if you cut your hair on Sunday. 

Best Days To Cut Hair

Every day of the week has significance and can lead to different results based on our actions. As a result, the days listed below are the best days for cutting hair, and the explanations for doing so are aligned with hair cutting days as per astrology.


Astrologically speaking, Wednesdays are considered one of the best days to cut hair. Because they are governed by the planet Mercury, also known as Buddh, they are also called Buddhwar. Wednesdays are considered to be good days for cutting hair, as it can bring prosperity and good fortune into your life. This is the day to tidy your home and trim your hair in Hinduism, as it is believed to appease Goddess Laxmi, the goddess of prosperity and fortune. If you trim your hair or clean your home on Wednesday, Goddess Laxmi will grant you money and wisdom. 


Friday is the day of Venus, also known as Shukra. That is how the name Shukrawar came into existence. Venus is a planet of elegance, beauty, and enjoyment. Fridays are one of the best days for cutting hair, as it can help you achieve greater professional goals and lead to success and glory in your respective industries. Friday is believed to be a good day to cut your hair since it can improve your spirituality and help you form relationships. According to astrology, Friday is also one of the best days to cut hair since it will bring you luck in romance and love.

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Best Day to Cut Nails

In the same way that astrology explains the good days for cutting hair, it also gives rules for cutting nails. You can attain favorable results by adhering to these rules. Thus, it is imperative that you do so. The results of nail cutting day vary depending on the day you choose. Continue reading to learn when is the best day to cut nails and what happens if you do it on various days.


Lord Shiva, who is connected to the moon and mind, is worshipped on Mondays. Therefore, Monday is a good day to cut nails since it can help you get rid of any unresolved issues that might be preventing you from moving forward.


Tuesdays are considered fortunate days to worship Lord Hanuman. Even though cutting your hair or nails on Tuesday is unfortunate, it can help you pay off debt.


Cutting your nails on Wednesdays is considered a good day to cut nails, as it helps you improve your financial status. This nail cutting day can also help you use your intelligence as a means of earning money. Wednesdays are therefore thought to be the best day to cut nails.


It is stated that those who get their nails done on Thursdays are more optimistic people. As a result, Thursdays are regarded as a good day to cut nails.


This day is dedicated to Venus, the planet of luxury, riches, and love. Thus, Fridays are thought to be one of the best days to cut nails and do nail care, and it enhances relationships between people.


You should absolutely avoid doing any nail work on Saturdays. You weaken Saturn in your horoscope when you do this, which can lead to a host of physical and mental health problems in the long run. As a result, cutting nails is not so good day to cut nails on this particular day.


Despite the fact that many people clean and cut their nails on Sundays, it is believed that doing so could depress you. So, it is not seen to be the best day to cut nails.

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Wrapping Up

While the idea of nail and hair cutting days as per astrology may not be scientifically proven, it holds cultural and astrological significance for many individuals. Understanding these practices and the beliefs behind them can provide insight into different cultural perspectives. It is believed that figuring out the best days for cutting hair and nails can have many benefits and lead to great success. However, whether or not one chooses to follow these astrological guidelines, it's important to respect and appreciate the diverse traditions that shape our world.

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