Hindi Janam Kundali - जन्म कुंडली हिंदी में
Nowadays, there are free online Janam Kundali in Hindi, as well, for the ease of the users.
Janam Kundali in Hindi, often known as Janam Patri or Janam Panjika, is the astrological birth chart of an individual. There is nothing now beyond the human scope, thanks to the availability of the online Janam Kundli.
Hindi Kundali would differ only on a few points, though not much from the English kundali. The plain fact would be that you can enjoy the knowledge online in Hindi as well.
The astrological map of your future or the kundali in Hindi or English is a way to look into the sequence of events that unfurl through a life. Once a child is born, do not forget to note the birth time and place accurately. Even if two children are born at the same time and place, no two children can have the same fates.
Thus, carry the details of the birth to an astrologer or use the online resources to find out your child’s future.
Janam kundli in Hindi free with predictions is available for you to surf online freely. No doubt an online Janam Kundli can help you in many ways, sometimes more than an astrologer.
Let us see how?
How can an online Janam Kundli help?
Free Online Janam Kundli in Hindi Reading is a very potent source of information and works in the same way as your astrologer. The usefulness of an online birth chart are:
- It can provide you a detailed birth chart without delay, prepared by the most experienced astrologers online.
- In this online method, you can get all the details. If in case, you do not contain the first-hand knowledge to read the birth chart, these online Janam Kundli reports entail everything that you need to know about your future.
- You can save time; you can have the sketches and graphs with you in no time.
- You can have more information than an average astrologer would want to give to you.
Next, let us focus on the benefits of preparing a Natal Chart. Let us see, how they can be important for us and in what ways.
Benefits of preparing the Natal Chart
How do you think a few simple curves and lines can predict what lies in your life? Actually, the science of Astrology is designed precisely to use these lines and curves to predict your future.
Below, you will find the advantages of chalking out the graphs, drawings, and the positions of the planets and Nakshatras present in the Janam Kundali by date of birth and time in Hindi or English.
- Career choices can be made more prudently. Understand your temperament and move through your life holding these curves and lines as you hold the hand of a friend.
- It can help you understand why you like something and why you do not like the other things in life- someone may prefer staying alone; on the contrary, some may prefer togetherness- what factors stand behind such determinants of life is easily explained by the positions of various planetary bodies.
- It tells you about the doshas- Kaal Sarp dosha, Manglik yoga, and all these variants.
- You can find out about the strengths and weaknesses and try to work through your life accordingly.
You must be wondering if there would be any difference in reading the Janam Kundali in Hindi? The answer is obviously yes, a few changes would be there.
Come let’s look into the differences a little more.
How do you read Janam Kundali in Hindi?
The first difference you would find in a Janam Kundli in Hindi would be in the use of Hindi terminologies. The Janam Kundali in Hindi would use Hindi terminologies like;
House is often called “ghar.”
The planets are known as Grah and the Stars are known as Nakshatras in Hindi.
In Hindi, the planets are Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Budh (Mercury), Mangal (Mars), Brihaspati (Jupiter), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (Uranus), Ketu (Neptune).
So, do not forget to visit the online calculating site for a more detailed and accurate Janam Kundali in Hindi.
Secondly, Vedic astrology would be strictly obeyed to make these astrological charts. Vedic astrology is the oldest branch of astrology in the world and would take the predictions closest to reality.
The online Kundli in Hindi, is a time-efficient process, helping you avoid the astrologer for every decision of your life. A very detailed analysis just at the click of a button and that too, in Hindi would be nothing less than a boon. The free online Janam Kundli in Hindi, would give you a very detailed explanation about the pros and cons of every astrological happening within your life almost free of cost.
Some of the frequently asked questions are thus given below for your reference.
Frequently asked questions
1. How will a Janam Kundali in Hindi be different from the Janam Kundali in English?
2. Why should I use the Janam Kundli in Hindi?
3. How to read the Janam Kundli in Hindi?
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Online Kundli in Hindi, is a time-efficient process, helping you avoid the astrologer for every decision of your life. A very detailed analysis just at the click of a button and that too, in Hindi would be nothing less than a boon. Free online Janam Kundli in Hindi, would give you a very detailed explanation about the pros and cons of every astrological happening within your life almost free of cost. So, get your Online Janam Kundali in Hindi Now!!
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