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Mangal Pradosh - Bhaum Pradosh Vrat Katha and Significance

Mangal Pradosh Vrat Katha

Updated Date : गुरुवार, 21 मई, 2020 10:39 पूर्वाह्न

Mangal Pradosh Vrat

Mangal Pradosh Vrat is undertaken when the thirteenth day of the Shukla Paksh or the Krishna Paksh falls on the Tuesday of that particular month. The Mangal Pradosh Vrat is also called Bhaum Pradosh Vrat. Pradosh is the evening time, before night dawns upon us.

By observing this fast, you can gain blessings of Lord Shiva, Maa Parvati, and Lord Hanuman. 

Importance of Mangal Pradosh Vrat

Every Pradosh Vrat can bless you immensely likewise, if you do the Mangal Pradosh Vrat, you can benefit in the following ways : 

  • This Vrat helps you obtain a child, it is so believed.
  • You benefit the fruit of a thousand Yagna.
  • This Vrat may bring prosperity and abundance in your life.
Also See: 7 Pradosh Vrat Katha

Mangal Pradosh Vrat Katha

The legend of the Mangal Pradosh Vrat goes something like this-

There was an old woman in a certain city who lived with her son. She had a lot of faith in Lord Hanuman, an unbreakable faith. So, every Tuesday the woman used to fast and pray to Lord Hanuman with the greatest devotion.

One day, the Lord himself came down to test the old woman’s devotion. So, he transformed into an old sage and went to her hut, calling out to the inmates of the home saying- “Is there someone who is a worshipper of Hanuman in this home, someone who can listen to me and fulfill my wishes?”

So, this way the Saint began calling out to the people.

So, hearing his voice, the old woman came out and humbly asked the sage about what he wanted. 

So, Hanuman Ji said that he was hungry and he wanted to eat, but before that he wanted her to clean the floor for him. Now, the old woman could not dig the earth nor could she clean the floor, since she was old and her joints were all stiff. Bending was not something she could do for herself.

So, with her palms woven together, she requested Hanuman to order something else, instead of this one work, she promised she would do it. Now, the sage made her promise three times and then told her that she should make her son lie down on his back and he said he would burn a fire on his back to cook the food.

The woman was shocked to hear this, but since she was bound by her own words, she had no other way but to agree to the words of the sage.

Her heart skipped a beat and her tears fell on the floor, after controlling her emotions for a long time, she finally called her son. Once the son came out, she gave him to the sage. The sage made the woman make a fire on the son’s back and after lighting the fire, she went inside the house. She did not want to see the son burn to his own death, for she knew that this would be his end.

The son too stayed quiet, and agreed to lie down on his back without doing any of these three things-

  1. The son did not doubt the intention of the mother.
  2. The son did not doubt or question the intention of the Sage.
  3. The son did not fight for his life, since he knew very well that by being the base for the fire, he would definitely be killed in the process.

But, then once the sage made the food he called the old woman, and asked the old woman to call her son up so that he could also put the Prasad to God before having food.

The old woman was sure about her son’s death and she did not want to call him and told the sage that it would pain her more. But, the sage did not agree to her, so she called upon his name and found out that her son was alive. Finding her son alive startled the old woman and she dropped onto the feet of the sage. It was then that Lord Hanuman came to his original form and blessed the old woman and her son.

Also See: Tuesday fast - Vrat Katha, Puja Vidhi & Benefits

What to do on Mangal Pradosh Vrat

Mangal Pradosh Vrat would begin like a Pradosh Vrat on any other day. Let’s see what all you need to do for observing this Vrat on a Tuesday.

  1. Take a bath early in the morning.
  2. Fast or add simple foods to your diet like fruits, milk etc.
  3. Try to pray every time you can find some time for yourself.
  4. In the evening, wear clean clothes
  5. Place some fruits, candles and incense on the plate for worshipping.
  6. Now, most importantly, worship all the deities with pure devotion- Lord Hanuman and Shiv-Parvati together.
  7. Chant Hanuman Chalisa also. 
  8. Recite “Om Namah Shivay” constantly since Mangal Pradosh Vrat is primarily observed to get the blessings of Shiva and Parvati.
  9. In the evening if you pray to Shiva and Parvati, you would benefit from it immensely especially on this thirteenth day of the New Moon and Full Moon phase.
  10. Keep a vigil at night, try not to sleep and pray to the deities during this point of time.
  11. Offer the leaves of Bengal quince, rice, flowers, dhoop or incense, fruits, betel leaves, betel nut to Shiv ji.
  12. You can also chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
  13. You can end your Sankalp that you take on this day by saying,

“Ahamadhya Mahadevasya Kripaparapteyaa Bhaumpradosh vratang karishaye.”

Different Types of Pradosh Vrat and Their Vrat Katha

SR. No. Day Pradosh Vrat Katha
1 Monday Som Pradosh Vrat Katha
2 Tuesday Mangal Pradosh (Bhaum Pradosh) Vrat Katha
3 Wednesday Budh Pradosh (Saumya Pradosh) Vrat Katha
4 Thursday Guru Pradosh Vrat Katha
5 Friday Shukra Pradosh Vrat Katha
6 Saturday Shani Pradosh Vrat Katha
7  Sunday Ravi Pradosh (Bhaanu Pradosh) Vrat Katha

ज्योतिषी से बात करें

वैवाहिक संघर्ष, प्रेम संबंध समस्या। कॉल पर गुना मिलान और रिलेशनशिप परामर्श।


नौकरी में संतुष्टि की कमी, करियर की समस्याएं? करियर और सफलता के लिए ज्योतिषी से सलाह लें।


धन की कमी, विकास और व्यावसायिक समस्याएं? कॉल पर ज्योतिषी द्वारा उपाय और समाधान प्राप्त करें।


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