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Rahu Ketu Transit 30 Oct 2023 to 18 May 2025

Rahu Ketu Transit

Updated Date : बुधवार, 10 जुलाई, 2024 06:35 पूर्वाह्न

Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 to 2025 - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

What is Rahu Ketu Transit?

Rahu and Ketu transit is an extremely significant event that occurs only once in 18 months. According to the tenets of Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets that have a profound impact on the lives of natives depending on their placement in the horoscope.

Rahu-Ketu Transit 2023-2025 Date and Time (Start & End Date)

Rahu and Ketu are two planets that astronomically do not exist and are, therefore, called chhaya griha or shadow planets. These planets move in a retrograde trajectory and are believed to have far-reaching consequences, mostly adverse, on the natives unless they are favorably placed or aligned. These planets spend 18 months in each zodiac sign and have recently changed their signs on 30 October 2023 till 18 May 2025. A jump in a new sign for the two planets translates into eventful developments and changes in the world, and an impact on the lives of people. 

How does Rahu-Ketu Transit affect your life?

Rahu and Ketu will be transiting into Aries and Libra, respectively, and will stay in these signs for eighteen months. This shall impact all zodiac signs both positively and negatively. Rahu is known to cause accidents and unexpected events. Ketu, on the other hand, shall make you reap the fruits of your past karma. Both these planets are unpredictable and can trigger a sudden shift in your lives for better or for worse.

Dos and Don’ts during Rahu-Ketu Transit 2023

Here is a list of Dos and Don’ts that can help ward off the ill effects of Rahu-Ketu transit.

  • During this transition, you must emphasize enhancing your skills to become competent and improve your personality.
  • This is the perfect time when you can take advantage of your spiritual and professional travels.
  • Refrain from being a part of an argumentative discussion and impulsive conversation.
  • Avoid taking important decisions based on half-baked information or assumptions.

Rahu-Ketu Transit effects on Moon Signs

Rahu and Ketu are indicators of your karma in a past life. Just like every ledger has debit and credit balances, which are carried forward, the effects of Rahu and Ketu are inexplicably linked to decisions and actions you have taken in your previous birth. In other words, your account from last life has been carried forward. The native reaps the fruits of his or her past karma (deeds). So, the impact of these two planets is also termed the karmic effect. A study of this transit helps us understand the possible effects these unpredictable planets will have on your life based on your Moon sign. Click to know your Moon Sign

To brace against the mysterious effects of the Rahu-Ketu Transit, we have come up with detailed information for natives born under each moon sign to provide a snapshot of events, which might take place in your lives during this phase.

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