2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit predictions for GEMINI
Find out how the Rahu-Ketu Transit will affect you if your Moon Sign is Gemini.
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Rahu Transit to First House of Gemini
The transit of Rahu in the 1st house brings mixed results for you. You would like to feel rejuvenated by getting over an old look. The cards can see a significant change in you and your persona. You are likely to invest much on materialistic possessions and would also be traveling to various new places. You would work with an unpredictable approach. An inclination can be seen towards electronics and fashion products. You might sense a high level of anxiety and thus may get irritated if things don’t work as per your expectations. Move ahead with hope.
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Ketu Transit to Seventh House of Gemini
The transit of Ketu in the 7th house is likely to provide you outcomes which may seem lesser than what you have expected. You might lose your interest in your surroundings. You would be expecting too much from your partner which they might not able to fulfill. This will make you feel sad and might also result in a sudden change of your plans. The psychological factors would be affecting your work performance. You are looking for certain changes in your life but avoid making big decisions as it can be unfavorable for you. Be cautious in all your doings.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Career and Wealth of Gemini
You are much dedicated and hardworking to achieve success in your career. The transit comes up with signs of growth and progress as Ketu is about to finish its stay in the eighth house. You can be ensured about a smooth and trouble-free path. It is time for new beginnings and a happy phase. Promotion and increments are on the cards. You will experience a surge in reputation and thus will be recognized and praised for your efforts. Luck is on your side which will mark an increase in wealth. The phase of transition seems promising for you.
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Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Love and Relationship of Gemini
The Rahu-Ketu transit does not look favorable for your relationships as it comes with certain issues along with it. When planet Ketu enters in your seventh house then it is likely to impose certain negative impacts on your marriage and other relationships. There are higher chances of conflicts and domestic tiffs. The health of your partner might also deteriorate. Things are not in your favor, hence, decisions like getting into a relationship or events like marriage must be avoided. You might also have arguments with your father. You can find a bit of emotional support only from your siblings.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Health of Gemini
It seems that the transition period is not good enough for your health. It is much likely that you suffer from various issues comprising sudden fall, sprain, and joints related pain. You must pay extra attention while driving. Take good care of your wellbeing.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Remedies for Gemini
To get over the ill-effects of the transition you must recite Durga Saptashati on daily basis. As well as you can wear an Emerald to strengthen your Mercury.
Click here to know about 2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit predictions for CANCER!
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