2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit Predictions for PISCES
Find out how the Rahu-Ketu Transit will affect you if your Moon Sign is Pisces
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Rahu Transit to Fourth House of Pisces
The transit of Rahu in the 4th house is regarded as a modest and average placement. You might feel stuck and confused in meeting the day-to-day domestic requirements. Pay higher attention to your mother’s needs and her health. Keep a regular check of her health as she might experience some difficulties. You would be acquiring new assets such as vehicles, etc. It is the perfect time to take the utmost use of your inner capability and potential to accomplish complex tasks with ease. Don’t be hasty in taking decisions.
Ketu Transit to Tenth House of Pisces
The transit of Ketu in the 10th house would make you put more efforts to get the best opportunity. You are likely to develop an interest in spiritualism and thus would prefer going to various spiritual places as well. You must trust your abilities and wait for the outcomes of your efforts and hard work. Avoid discussing your plans and strategies to other people as it might put you in trouble. You are likely to get acknowledged for your talent and skills. You would also gain recognition for your social work.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Career and Wealth of Pisces
The Rahu-Ketu transit looks significant for your career. If you are doing your own business, then the transit is likely to offer you both opportunities as well as obstacles. Similarly, you would be experiencing gains and losses both in a proportionate manner. You might have some gains from foreign dealings. If you are a salaried employee then do not expect any sort of increment or promotion during this transit. Make sure you don’t overspend on things, Try to make your needs minimal. The transitions bring in good results for people associated with the fields of computer, mining, and law.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Love and Relationship of Pisces
Your relationship with your parents will remain good but you need to keep a strict eye on their health issues as they might be going through some sort of emotional trauma. The relationship with your partner would remain okay. If your kids are planning to go abroad for further studies, you should support them in every possible way.
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Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Health of Pisces
It seems that the transit would bring moderate results for your health. You might experience pain in joints and knees. Overall your health will remain balanced and your energy level would be high.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Remedies for Pisces
To overcome the issues and negative effects of Rahu-Ketu transit you must wear a qualified yellow colored Sapphire or you can also wear yellow Beryl.
- Click here to know about the various Remedies for Rahu-Ketu Transit 2024 !
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