2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit Predictions for VIRGO
Find out how the Rahu-Ketu Transit will affect you if your Moon Sign is Virgo.
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Rahu Transit to Tenth House of Virgo
The transit of Rahu in the 10th house is a positive sign. It will support in building your social rapport. You would be touching new heights in your career. You are likely to experience success by taking initiatives and new challenges. You would remain more inclined towards your career and profession. At the workplace, new responsibilities will be assigned to you as well as you can also visit overseas to accomplish the same. This is the time when your long pending plans would get into execution.
Ketu Transit to Fourth House of Virgo
The transit of Ketu in the 4th house will bring average results for you. You would remain happy but not satisfied as you might have a notion that things do not work as per your will. Instead of getting worried, wait for the right time to make your move. Avoid having heated discussions with your mother, rather focus on spending quality time with her. Avoid making propaganda of your opinions. Refrain from consuming too much outside food as it can deteriorate your health.
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Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Career and Wealth of Virgo
The positioning of Rahu in the tenth house is not less than magic as it brings in achievements, success, growth, status, and rise in your career. You would experience a sudden improvement in your performance. People associated with politics, sports and business are likely to attain immense success. You might have to bear some expenses for the health of your dear ones. You are also likely to spend money on acquiring assets.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Love and Relationship of Virgo
Your relationship with your spouse will remain modest but you would be experiencing physical distance for some time period. For marital alliance, you should wait for the next year as it would be a better time to undertake any auspicious ceremony or event. You need to be highly conscious while dealing with your parents and most importantly your mother as the transition is likely to come up with certain health issues for her.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Health of Virgo
The transit brings in an excellent time for you with respect to your health. You will undergo several positive changes. Your energy will be high as always. You are likely to start a number of good and healthy habits in the coming time.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Remedies for Virgo
The possible remedy for you to get safe from any malefic effect of this transition is to strengthen your Mercury by wearing a superior quality emerald. As well as worship Lord Ganesha daily.
- Click here to know about 2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit predictions for LIBRA!
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