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Ravivar Pradosh Vrat Katha - Bhaanu Pradosh Puja, Significance

Ravivar Pradosh Vrat Katha

Updated Date : गुरुवार, 21 मई, 2020 12:21 अपराह्न

Ravivar Pradosh Vrat

Ravivar Pradosh Vrat comes up when the Trayodashi of the Shukla Paksh or the Krishna Paksh falls on a Sunday. Observing the Ravivar Pradosh Vrat brings benefits of its own kind.

Every month, there are two Pradosh Vrat, one on the 13th day of the Shukla Paksh and one on the 13th day of the Krishna Paksh.

Now every 13th day is a Pradosh, and it may fall on any day of the week. The month on which it falls on Sunday is known as the Ravi Pradosh Vrat.

Importance of Keeping the Ravivar Pradosh Vrat

There are several benefits of keeping the Ravivar Pradosh Vrat.

  • If you observe Ravivar Pradosh Vrat you would be blessed with good health and a long life.
  • You would become more tolerant and more compassionate towards others. 
  • With the help of Ravivar Pradosh Vrat you would be able to control your anger. 

In short, you can achieve the protection of Lord Shiva if you worship him during Ravi Pradosh Vrat.

Also See: Shri Shiv Chalisa

Ravivar Pradosh Vrat Katha (Bhaanu Pradosh Katha)

Ravivar Pradosh Vrat Katha (Bhaanu Pradosh Vrat Katha) is from the time when a huge group of Rishis accumulated on the banks of river Bhagirathi. Suddenly, the greatest devotee of Ved Vyas, Puraanvetta Ji came down to this Sabha.

Seeing him, 88000 Rishis and Munis of the Shaunakadi stood up and flattened themselves on the ground. After he took a seat, all the other Rishis and Munis took a seat around him.

One of the Shaunakadi Rishi asked Puran Vetta Ji the importance and the cause behind observation of the Mangalprada Vrat. He sat quietly for some time before recounting the tale. The tale that goes here is,

There was a Brahmin who lived in a village with his much devoted wife, who used to perform the Ravi Pradosh Vrat every Sunday. They had a son. One day, this Son went for a Ganga Snan. The thieves caught him on the way unfortunately, and told him that they would not kill him, if he told them about the place where his father used to store the secret treasures in their home.

Now, the son was quite baffled and with a lot of humility, bowed down and told them that they were very poor and that there was no way that they had so much money.

Now, there was a small bag on his back, so the thieves demanded to know what he had in that bag.

Without even thinking twice, he replied that his mother had packed him some food for the way.

So, now the thieves were convinced that this boy was really poor and they decided that they would loot another person and let him go.

Now, from there the boy walked a long distance only to reach a city. There was a Vat tree near the city and the kid slept off under the shade of the Vat Vriksh (tree). Just at that time, the entire clan of soldiers guarding that very city reached the Vat tree searching for the thieves.

Now, when they got no one, they took the boy under their custody considering him to be the thief. The King did not listen to his pleas either and asked them to lock him in the prison.

When the son did not return in the stipulated period of time, the mother and the father became very worried. Next day, there was Ravi Pradosh Vrat and the lady as usual kept the Vrat. She prayed to Lord Shiva for the safety of her son and also asked him to take care of him. Lord Shiva heard her and in the dreams told the King that this boy was not the thief. Lord Shiva warned the King that if the next morning, the King did not advise his soldiers to release him, the whole Kingdom would be destroyed and all the riches of the kingdom would be looted.

Next day, the King released the kid from the prison and the kid told the King his whole story. The soldiers came with the kid and dropped him home, the very next day and also told the entire story to the parents. Initially they were scared seeing the soldiers alongside their son, but when the soldiers confirmed and retold the entire story to the mother and the father, they were relieved completely.

A few days later the King gave the family five villages as a gift. The Brahman and the Brahmani were very happy and lived a life of peace and happiness thereafter.

So, whoever keeps the Vrat would live a happy, healthy and blemish free life with the blessing of Lord Shiva.

Also See: All Pradosh Vrat Katha

Rituals you must observe on Ravi Pradosh Vrat

  1. You must bathe in the evening 
  2. Wear clean clothes.
  3. Do not consume food, if possible or you may take some light food during the whole day.
  4. Keep chanting “Om Namah Shivay '' and also chant “Om Suryaya Namaha'' on this day.
  5. In the evening, offer water or milk to Lord Shiva.
  6. Keep a vigil at night. Pray to Shiva the whole night and try not to break your focus.
  7. Next morning only after offering water to Shiva, you may break your fast.

Different Types of Pradosh Vrat and Their Vrat Katha

SR. No. Day Pradosh Vrat Katha
1 Monday Som Pradosh Vrat Katha
2 Tuesday Mangal Pradosh (Bhaum Pradosh) Vrat Katha
3 Wednesday Budh Pradosh (Saumya Pradosh) Vrat Katha
4 Thursday Guru Pradosh Vrat Katha
5 Friday Shukra Pradosh Vrat Katha
6 Saturday Shani Pradosh Vrat Katha
7 Sunday Ravi Pradosh (Bhaanu Pradosh) Vrat Katha

ज्योतिषी से बात करें

वैवाहिक संघर्ष, प्रेम संबंध समस्या। कॉल पर गुना मिलान और रिलेशनशिप परामर्श।


नौकरी में संतुष्टि की कमी, करियर की समस्याएं? करियर और सफलता के लिए ज्योतिषी से सलाह लें।


धन की कमी, विकास और व्यावसायिक समस्याएं? कॉल पर ज्योतिषी द्वारा उपाय और समाधान प्राप्त करें।


सटीकता और संतुष्टि की गारंटी

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