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Thirumana Porutham (திருமண பொருத்தம்)

Thirumana Porutham (திருமண பொருத்தம்)

Updated Date : बुधवार, 18 दिसम्बर, 2024 10:10 पूर्वाह्न

Thirumana Porutham (திருமண பொருத்தம்)

Thirumana Porutham is an important aspect of Tamil astrology that is used to find the perfect match. This horoscope matching for marriage in Tamil is based on the Nakshatra matching or Natchathira Porutham concept where the marriage predictions are rendered by comparing the stars of the prospective partners. Unlike Jathagam Porutham or marriage horoscope matching, the horoscope compatibility for marriage is checked in Thirumana Porutham strictly through the Nakshatras and Rashi.

What is Thirumana Porutham?

Thirumuna Porutham is the core method of checking marriage compatibility in Tamil. It is a precise and accurate way to match horoscopes and predict the compatibility of a couple. In this horoscope compatibility checking method, 10 Poruthams for marriage are compared. As per Tamil Astrology, it includes the comparison of the Birth Star (Janam Nakshatra) and Birth Zodiac (Janam Rasi) of a boy and a girl to check the level of their marriage compatibility and marital bliss in the future. 

Based on ancient Vedic calculations, Thirumana Porutham horoscope matching in Tamil is the best horoscope match for marriage. It is the easiest way to find a life partner or know if you and your partner are a perfect match and how successful your marriage life will be in the future. 

How Thirumana Porutham Horoscope Matching is done?

Thirumana horoscope matching for marriage is done through Poruthams or Koots. Originally, the ancient sages charted 20 Poruthams or Koots in Tamil Jothidam. However, today, only 10 Poruthams or Nakshatra Poruthams are considered to check the marriage compatibility between a boy and a girl. 

The Porutham or Koots is an important aspect of astrology that defines the personality, mind, body and other compatibility factors of a couple. Tamil astrologers analyze the effects of each Porutham individually in Tamil Jathagam to predict marital compatibility and Jathaka matches.

According to Vedic Tamil astrology, marriage compatibility in Tamil is defined through three compatibility levels- 

  • Uthamam, (Good)
  • Madhyamam (Not Bad)
  • Adhamam (Bad)

For marriage, one must have Madhyamam Porutham. Madhyamam is 6 or 7 Poruthams including the 5 Poruthams- Dinam, Ganam, Yoni, Rasi and Rajju. While Uthamam is 8 or more Porutham points and Adhamam is o or less than 5 points. As Tamil astrology, Uthamam is an excellent Porutham or horoscope match for marriage whereas Adhamam is the bad Porutham or unfavorable marriage point. One should avoid marriage with Adhamam Jathagam Porutham for marriage. In a nutshell, the more the Porutham points a couple gets in Thirumana Prutham horoscope matching, the higher the marriage compatibility they exhibit. 

10 Poruthams of Thirumuna Porutham Horoscope Matching

Based on Tamil Vedic Astrology, Tamil Thirumana Porutham compares ten vital components for horoscope marriage-matching. Here are the ten components or Poruthams that are used for horoscope matching for marriage.

  1. Dina Porutham -for good health and prosperity
  2. Gana Porutham - for temperament matching
  3. Rajju Porutham - for long life of husband
  4. Rasi Porutham - for progeny
  5. Yoni Porutham - sexual compatibility
  6. Vedha Porutham - ward of evil and pitfalls
  7. Vasya Porutham - compatibility between the zodiac signs
  8. Mahendra Porutham - progeny in a larger measure
  9. Stree deerga Porutham - accumulation of wealth and prosperity
  10. Rasiyathipaty Porutham - compatibility between birth stars

Out of the 10 Poruthams, Gana, Dina, Rasi, Rajju and Yoni are considered the most significant Poruthams for Tamil horoscope matching for marriage. A couple should have these Porutham or Koots to marry and have satisfactory marriage compatibility. 

Dina Porutham

Also referred to as Dina Koota, Dina Porutham is the first and important Porutham that is checked in Tamil Jathagam Porutham. It denotes good health, joy and prosperity of the couple in the future married life. A good Dina Porutham indicates freedom from poverty, sickness and any kind of ailments. To match the Dina Porutham, different birth Nakshatras of both boy and girl are analyzed. 

As per Tamil astrology, if the Nakshatras of a boy or girl especially, Thiruvathirai, Rohini, Visaakam, Makam, Hastham, Thirivonam, Revathi and Uthiraadam Nakshatra, match with each other, then it is said to be “Uthamam” Dina Porutham. Whereas, if the Ashwini, Krithika, Mrigasira, Pushya, Punarvasu, Chitra, Purvashada, Uttara and Uttarshada Nakshatras of the boy and girl match with each other, then it is said to be Madhyama Dina Porutham. However, in Tamil Jathagam Porutham, the first set of Nakshatra matching is given prime importance than the latter one. The 27th Nakshatra is not considered in Tamil Porutham whether it is matched or unmatched. 

Gana Porutham

Gana Porutham is the second most important Porutham in Tamil Jothidam. It ensures the marital compatibility of a boy and a girl on the basis of mind, body and sensuality. AS per Vedic Tamil astrology, Ganam is classified into three categories- Dev (Divine), Rakshas (Demon) and Manushya (Human). Each Gana is represented by the nine Nakshatras of the 27 Nakshatras. 

Deva Ganam Nakshatras- Aswati, Makayiram, Punartham, Pooyam, Attam, Chothi, Anizham, Thiruvonam, Revathi. 

Manushya Ganam Nakshatras- Bharani, Rohini, Thiruvathira, Pooram, Uthram, Pooradam, Uthradam, Pooruruttathi, Uthrattathi

Rakshas Ganam Nakshatras- Karthika, Ayilyam, Makam, Chithira, Vishakam, Thrikketta, Moolam, Avittom, Chathayam

If the Gana of boy and girl in the Jathgam are Deva Gana, then Gana Porutham is said to be Ati Uthamam. If both boy and girl belong to Rakshas Gana, then the match is not recommended whereas if the Ganas of both bride and groom is Manushya, then the Porutham is said to be Uthamam. If the girl is of Rakshas Gana and the boy is of a different Gana then the match is bad or Adhamam whereas if the girl is of a different Gana and the boy is of Rakshas Gana, then the match is Madhyama. 

Yoni Porutham

Yoni Porutham signifies the sexual compatibility of husband and wife in the marriage. In this Porutham, each Nakshatra is assigned with an animal force. If the animal signs of both boy and girl are friendly, then they are said to have great sex life while if the animal signs assigned to Nakshatras are rivals, then they experience turmoils. Here are the animal signs associated with the 27 Nakshatras.


Animal Sign

Aswini (Aswati)

Male Horse


Female Elephant

Krittika (Karthika)

Female Goat


Male Snake

Mrigashirsha (Makayiram)


Ardra (Thiruvathira)

Female Dog

Punarvasu (Punartham / Punarpoosam)

Male Cat

Pushya (Pooyam)

Male Goat

Ashlesha (Ayilyam)

Female Cat

Magha (Makam)

Female Rat

Purva Phalguni (Pooram)

Female Cow

Uttara Phalguni (Uthiram)

Female Rat

Hasta (Attam)

Male Buffalo

Chitra (Chithira)

Female Tiger

Swati (Chothi)

Female Buffalo

Vishaka (Vishakam)

Female Tiger

Anuradha (Anizham / Anusham)

Male Deer

Jyeshta (Thrikketta / Kettai)

Female Deer

Moola (Moolam)


Purva Ashada (Pooradam)

Female Monkey

Uttara Ashada (Uthradam)

Female Mongoose

Shravana (Thiruvonam)

Male Monkey

Dhanistha (Avittom)


Shatabhisaa (Chathayam)


Purva Bhadrapada (Pooruruttathi)

Male Lion

Uttara Bhadrapada (Uthrattathi)

Male Cow


Female Elephant

Vedha Porutham

Vedha means afflictions. Thus, the Vedha Porutham offers insights into the problems and hardships that can be experienced by a couple after marriage. As per Tamil Porutham astrology, some Nakshatras are in Vedha and hence they create Vedha Dosham in Jathagam. In Tamil horoscope matching for marriage, if the Vedha of a boy and a girl do not match and the boy and the girl get married, then they may encounter divorce or separation due to personal, professional, financial and health issues. Here are the tabulated format showing the Nakshatras that are Vedha with each other.

Vedha Nakshatras

Krittika (Karthika) Vedha Vishaka (Vishakam)

Aswini (Aswati) Vedha Jyeshta (Thrikketta / Kettai)

Rohini Vedha Swati (Chothi)

Bharani Vedha Anuradha (Anizham / Anusham)

Punarvasu (Punartham / Punarpoosam) Vedha Uttara Ashada (Uthradam)

Ardra (Thiruvathira) Vedha Sravana (Thiruvonam)

Pushya (Pooyam) Vedha Purva Ashada (Pooradam)

Punarvasu (Punartham / Punarpoosam) Vedha Uttara Ashada (Uthradam)

Magha (Makam) Vedha Revati

Ashlesha (Ayilyam) Vedha Moola (Moolam)

Purva Phalguni (Pooram) Vedha Uttara Bhadrapada (Uthrattathi)

Uttara Phalguni (Uthiram) Vedha Purva Bhadrapada (Pooruruttathi)

Hasta (Attam) Vedha Shatabhisha (Chathayam)

Rasiyathipaty Porutham

Rasiyathipaty is the fifth Porutham in Tamil Thorumuna Porutham analysis. It represents the compatibility between the Rashi Lord of the boy and the girl. A good Rasi Koota agreement in Porutham means happy and long-lasting According to the astrology of Tamil horoscope matching for marriage, if the Lord of the Janam Nakshatra of the boy is friendly with the Lord of the Janam Rashi of the girl, then the Porutham is said to be Uthamam. If the Lords of the Rashi of both boy and girl are equal then the match is Madhyamam. When the Rashi Lord of the boy and the girls are enemies, then the match is said to be Adhamam. Progeny is also included in the Rasiyathipaty Porutham. Here are the Rasi Lord and their friendly, neutral and enemy Lord.






Moon, Mars, Jupiter


Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu


Sun, Mercury

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn



Sun, Moon and Jupiter

Saturn and Venus



Sun and Venus

Jupiter, Mars, Saturn



Sun, Moon and Mars


Venus and Mercury


Mercury and Saturn

Mars and Jupiter

Sun and the Moon


Venus, Mercury, Rahu, Ketu


Sun, Moon and Mars

Rajju Porutham

Rajju Porutham is the sixth and most important Porutham to perform the marriage. It is checked by Tamil astrologers to predict the husband’s long life and longevity of the happy relationship of both husband and wife. Rajju Gana is classified into five categories- Shiro Rajju (the head portion), Kanda Rajju (neck portion), Nabhi Rajju (middle portion), Kati Rajju (thigh portion) and Pada Rajju (feet portion). Here are the stars associated with each Rajju.

Shiro Rajju

Kanta Rajju

Nabhi Rajju

Kati Rajju

Pada Rajju

Chitra, Mirgasira, Dhanishta

Ardra, Rohini, Swati, Hasta, Sravana, Satabisha

Krithika, Uttara, Punarvasu, Visaka, Purvabadra, Uttrashada

Pushya, Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Uttarabadra and Purvashada

Aswini, Aslesha, Magha, Moola, Jyeshta and Revati

If the Rajju of the boy and girl are the same, then the Jathgam is said to have Rajju Dosham. Marriage is not recommended in the presence of Rajju Dosham in Tamil Jathgam Porutham. As per Tamil Thirumana Porutham, if Shiro Rajju for a couple is the same, then the husband would die. If Kati Rajju is the same, then the family encounters poverty and financial crisis. If Nabhi Rajju is the same, then offsprings will die and if the Kanta Rajju is the same, then the wife would die. If the Pada Rajju is the same, then the natives wander pathetically. Hence, Rajju Porutham in 10 Poruthams can never be ignored for blissful and happy marriage life.

Rasi Porutham

Rasi Porutam predicts the unity and longevity of the marriage. It shows the compatibility of Janam Rasi of the boy and the girl. This Porutham or Koota agreement in Tamil compensates for the other compatibility Doshams. If the Rashi of a couple is the same or the Rashi of the boy is greater than 6 at the time of counting from girls’ Rashi, then the match is said to be Uthamam. If the Boy’s Rashi while counting is on 3, 4, then the match is Madhyamam. 6th and 8th, 2nd and 5th are not agreeable. Rasi Porutham is important to learn about unexpected expenses, the possibility of male progeny, issues related to children and possible situations of conflicts between the couple. 

Vasya Porutham

Vasya Porutham represents the compatibility of the zodiac signs of the couple. It shows affection, harmony, intimacy, mutual love and understanding between husband and wife. As per Tamil Jathagam Porutham rules, if the bride’s zodiac signs agree with the zodiac sign of the groom’s zodiac sign, then the match is agreeable. Here are the Vasya Rashi for the 12 zodiac signs.


Vasya Rashi

Aries (Mesha)

Leo (Simha) and Scorpio (Vrishcika)

Taurus (Vrishabha)

Cancer (Kark) and Libra (Tula)

Gemini (Mithuna)

Virgo (Kanya)

Cancer (Kark)

Scorpio (Vrischika) and Sagittarius (Dhanus)

Leo (Simha)

Libra (Tula)

Virgo (Kanya)

Gemini (Mithuna) and Pisces (Meen)

Libra (Tula)

Capricorn (Makara)

Scorpio (Vrischika)

Cancer (Kark) and Virgo (Kanya)

Sagittarius (Dhanus)

Pisces (Meena)

Capricorn (Makara)

Aquarius (Kumbha) and Aries (Mesha)

Aquarius (Kumbha)

Aries (Mesha)

Pisces (Meena)

Capricorn (Makara)

Mahendra Porutham

In Nakshatra Porutham for marriage, this koota is analyzed to learn about longevity, wealth and progeny. As per Tamil Astrology, children strengthen the relationship between couples and with Mahendra Porutham, you may know about the prosperity of family and children. This Porutham compensates for the lack of Dinam and Rasiyathipaty Porutham. Mahendra Porutham is said to be Uthamam if the Janam Nakshatra of the boy is in 7th, 4th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd and 25th position from the Janam Nakshatra of girl.

Stree Deerga Porutham

Also referred to as Stree Deergath Sarya Sampatha, this Porutham speaks of the good health, longevity and prosperity of the bride. As per Tamil Thirumana Porutham rules, if the Birth star of the groom exceeds 13 on counting from the Birth star of the girl, then it is said to be Uthamam Stree Deergha Porutham. If the Nakshatra of the boy comes above 7 while counting from the girl’s Nakshatra, then Porutham is considered as Madhyamam.

Marriage is an important event in one’s life. Thus, one should match the horoscope for marriage and get their Tamil Thirumana Porutham analyzed. This ancient way to check marriage compatibility is performed by calculating the name, birth date, place and time of a boy and girl. Just like Kundali matching, the Tamil Porutham for marriage is based on the date of birth and time. By calculating one’s birth date details, astrologers can predict the compatibility and success of the marriage. It is advisable to talk to an Astrologer for accurate Tamil Jathagam Porutham matching for marriage. 

ज्योतिषी से बात करें

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धन की कमी, विकास और व्यावसायिक समस्याएं? कॉल पर ज्योतिषी द्वारा उपाय और समाधान प्राप्त करें।


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