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Birthstones: Meaning And Significance According To Months

all about birthstones

Updated Date : गुरुवार, 23 फरवरी, 2023 13:34 अपराह्न

Birthstones have their origin in Poland. It was back in the 16th and 18th centuries when these gemstones were discovered and acknowledged. Later, some of the traditional birthstones were replaced by modern ones. 

Originally, these gemstones are associated with the 12 stones that appear on the High Priest of Isrealites’ breastplate. Eventually, these stones got linked to 12 Zodiac signs in Astrology

If you want to gain detailed insights into the meaning and significance of every birthstone then you are at the right spot. 

Meaning Of Birthstones 

Birthstones aka the birth gemstones are associated with the 12 months of the year respectively. The meaning of every birthstone is in alignment with its respective month. Moreover, each birthstone radiates different vibrations in order to resonate with the individuals born in the respective birth months. 

These stones are also considered a medium for transferring positive energies from around the Universe. Thus, it eventually connects the Earth with the higher realms. If an individual wears their birthstone, they can be benefitted in numerous ways. If someone is feeling clueless in life then the divine energies of these gemstones can guide them on the right path. 

During the ancient period, these gemstones were solely worn by people to ward off the evil eye effect. However, in today's time, these gemstones have also become a fashion statement among the youth. Therefore, it can be said that these stones serve the purpose of protection as well as fashion. This has also given greater importance to the birthstone colors.

List Of Birthstone Names

This is the list of names of traditional and modern birthstones with respect to their months. Have a look at the table and find out your birthstone. 


Traditional Birthstone

New Birthstone

Alternate Birthstone

January Birthstone




February Birthstone




March Birthstone




April Birthstone




May Birthstone




June Birthstone

Pearl & Moonstone



July Birthstone




August Birthstone




September Birthstone




October Birthstone




November Birthstone




December Birthstone

Turquoise & Lapis

Blue Zircon


Meaning Of Birthstones According To Months

After knowing the names of the birthstones it is also important to know their meaning and significance. In this section, we will discuss the meaning of modern birthstones. Read on!

January- Garnet

Garnet is a red-colored gemstone that is believed to ensure the safety of the wearer at the time of travel. The word Garnet originated from a word that means “seed”. This gemstone looks similar to the color and shape of a pomegranate seed. 

February- Amethyst

Amethyst originated from a Greek word ‘Amethystos’ which means sober. This stone is somewhat deep reddish-purple in color and appears like a crystalline quartz. This gemstone is believed to strengthen relationships. Additionally, the individual who wears this stone becomes bold and courageous too. Earlier this stone was considered a symbol of royalty and thus was only worn by the royal families.

March- Aquamarine

This gemstone was named after a sweater that is blue-green in color. Aquamarine is thought to protect the wearer against diseases related to the heart, liver, and stomach. Soaking this gem in glass water and then drinking it can actually help in treating these health ailments. 

April- Diamond

This gemstone is known for giving strength to individuals since it's the hardest and strongest gem of all. The name diamond is originally derived from the Greek word “Adamas” which means unbreakable. This is one of the most expensive and desirable gemstones. 


Emerald was earlier associated with rebirth, fertility, and love. However, in modern times, its significance has changed and now it represents wisdom, patience, and growth. Goddess Venus represents this green-colored gemstone. 

June- Alexandrite

Alexandrite symbolizes purity as it is a transparent gem. The ancient Greeks had a belief that these pearls were tears of joy from the goddess of love, Aphrodite. This gemstone changes into many colors when exposed to different kinds of lights. 

July- Ruby

Ruby is a birthstone for the Zodiac sign that falls in the month of July. Ruby is pinkish-red in color and represents vitality and passionate love. Earlier, this gemstone was regarded as the “king of gems” as it protects an individual from evil eye effects.


This month’s birthstone is a symbol of strength. It is light green in color due to which it is also called an “evening emerald” at times. This gemstone is said to protect from nightmares when set with gold. 

September- Sapphire

Sapphire was believed to be the favorite gemstone of priests and kings. It was believed to protect from evil eyes and snake poison. This deep blue colored gemstone is worn by an individual to achieve success. 

October- Tourmaline 

Tourmaline is a beautiful gemstone and is said to be a natural birthstone. This gemstone is believed to heal souls and also symbolizes loyalty. This word originates from the Latin word ‘opalus’ which means “precious jewel”. 

November- Citrine

Citrine is a symbol of joy. It reflects the hues of the amber sky. This gemstone is believed to ward off the evil eye effect. If you are born in this month then you must wear it to attract positivity.

December- Blue Zircon

This beautiful stone is said to bring the lost confidence back by healing the inner self and it also creates momentum in the stagnant forces. The best part is that it is not even expensive. 

Concluding Lines

This blog was all about different types of birthstones as per months and Zodiac signs. Wearing birthstones as per the month in which you were born can turn out to be beneficial for you in several spheres of life. 

However, you must always consult an expert Astrologer before buying a gemstone for yourself. These experts can guide you in a better way. 

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