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The Complete Guide To June Birthstone(s)

june birthstone

Updated Date : गुरुवार, 23 फरवरी, 2023 13:36 अपराह्न

Are you June born? Do you know you are among the luckiest groups who are blessed with 3 options to call your own? June's birthstones are pearl, moonstone, and Alexandrite, all of which are stunning in their own way. Each of the 3 June birthstones represents something special and unique. The most recent additions to the list are Alexandrite & Moonstone. Although being a relatively new gemstone on the market, Alexandrite, like moonstones & pearls, has a long history. Indeed, it has received much more focus over the past few years.

You can choose one of the three options that are laid out here. If you are born in June you can use this list to choose the perfect June birthstone according to your budget and mood.

What Are June’s Birthstones?


Pearls Birthstone Origin & Symbolism

The only "gemstone" that develops within a living mollusk is pearls (either a mussel or an oyster). Ancient people prized them according to their rarity and interesting origins, thinking of them to be teardrops from heaven. Pearls are currently produced across the globe. The most well-known pearl is the huge white South Sea pearls from Southeast Asia and Australia, as well as the rich, black peacock-sheen Tahitian pearls from French Polynesia.

Pearls symbolize innocence, sweetness, humility, and purity. They are considered to provide longevity and fortune to the user. They represent honesty, kindness, and knowledge earned through experience as treasured heirlooms.

Pearls Birthstone Spiritual meanings:

Pearls remind us that the most challenging things in life often change us to become the most beautiful. Just as it takes a mollusk a long time and a lot of effort to turn a grain of sand into a pearl. Pearls are also associated with the moon because they have the appearance of a miniature moon—they are dazzling, sparkling, and glossy. 

The moon also controls the sign of Cancer in astrology, further tying it to the month of June. (Cancer season starts towards the end of June.) It is also related to Monday "Since Mondays are also known as “moon day”, it is very auspicious to wear pearls on that particular day.

Because pearls (both cultured and natural) can be expensive, we believe mother-of-pearl can be an excellent and less expensive option.


Birthstones: Caring Tips!

Pearls have a hardness of 2.5 - 3.0 on the Mohs scale, making them a somewhat delicate gem that requires special care. To avoid scratching, keep them away from other gems and metal jewelry. Never store your pearl birthstones in plastic because plastic bags produces a chemical that might damage the stone's surface. Clean your June birthstone with a soft, moist cloth, ideally it after every time the pearl is worn.


Moonstone Birthstone Meaning

Moonstone belongs to the feldspar mineral group, having a Mohs hardness rating of 6 to 6.5. Though it comes in a range of hues, the most common one is white (as well as rainbow) moonstone. The best examples are colorless with a blue adularescence shine. There are varieties found all across the world, including North, Asia, Africa, and South America.

It is a mystical stone that was treasured by the Romans & ancient Greeks as a talisman for their lunar deities, as well as Hindu mystics who said it was a solid moonbeam. The white moonstone is a stone of intuition, tranquility, inner growth, inspiration, and strength. It represents the Holy Feminine energy, which is lovely for fertility, and reflects the new moon's energy, making it ideal for "fresh beginnings" due to its positive character.


Moonstone Birthstone Spiritual meanings:

Considering Cancer's connection with the moon, this is another stone that was chosen for the month of June. Moonstone is most defined as its ability to balance emotions: It is connected to the element of water and the moon, therefore it is strongly linked to emotions and intuition, and it truly helps bring out the fluctuation of your internal emotional compass.

Not only that, but moonstones may help you surf the waves of emotions when they get rough. It truly assists you in stepping into your own compassion and becoming truly caring of yourself and others, as well as opening up to inner intuition and being directed by your own inner direction. 

Birthstones: Caring Tips!

Moonstone has a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale and so has low toughness. It may crack if exposed to high temperatures. As a result, when cleaning your moonstone, avoid using ultrasonic or steam cleaners. The best cleaning alternatives are lukewarm, detergent water and a gentle brush.


Alexandrite Birthstone Meaning

Alexandrite, a rare form of the mineral chrysoberyl, is a spectacular color-changing stone. They often seem green to bluish-green in daytime or fluorescent light, turning purple to red in incandescent light. This impact not only occurs within the stone but also within the human eye when we see the mineral composition of the stone in different light spectrums. Alexandrite has a reasonably hard Mohs hardness rating of 8.5.

It is recognized as a stone of good sign, providing good fortune and luck. It is supposed to boost confidence and self-esteem while also balancing the connection between the physical & spiritual realms.


Alexandrite Birthstone Spiritual meanings:

Consider alexandrite's color-changing property to be a direct representation of this stone's significance. It is most recognized for assisting you in going with the flow and adapting to new people, places, and circumstances. It also assists you in personal growth, self-development, and working through difficult emotions.

It enables you to direct your emotions in a very beneficial and constructive manner by taking action. As a result, alexandrite is connected with encouraging good development and transformation in modern crystal therapy. Because this is quite an expensive stone, you might replace it with another kind of chrysoberyl, such as cat's eye chrysoberyl, for a similar spiritual result.

Birthstones: Caring Tips!

This June birthstone is comparatively hard- a Mohs scale of 8.5. It possesses high hardness and no cleavage, which causes it to break when struck. This makes it an excellent alternative for rings and other mountings that are subjected to everyday use. A bride-to-be born in June might like an alexandrite engagement ring. Although it is advisable to clean your June birthstone using warm, soapy water, ultrasonic, and steam cleaners are also generally safe.


This blog was dedicated to explaining the meaning and importance of the June birthstones. All three gemstones are ideal for celebrating life's growing days. The bearer of these stones constantly draws good fortune and luck. These gemstones also possess a number of healing properties.

If you want to learn more about the potential benefits of these amazing gemstones, then you can contact our astrologers. They will guide you to the best of their knowledge. 

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