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aquarius and virgo Compatibility



Virgo and Aquarius are two extremely different personalities. One finds happiness in bringing order out of chaotic situation (Virgo) and the other likes to bring chaos in perfectly ordered situations. In simple terms, Zodiac Compatibility Aquarius-Virgo is a challenge. But the other side of the story of Aquarius-Virgo Relationship Compatibility is they both fascinate each other immensely.


Uranus-ruled Aquarius is a humanitarian individual while Virgo is the sign of community service and this can be a starting point of a strong Aquarius-Virgo Relationship Compatibility. You both feel strongly about humanitarian goals and together want to make this world a better place to be. Being an Air sign, Aquarius will come up with exciting, innovative and creative ideas and Virgo, being the Earth sign will chalk out a solid plan to make these ideas a reality. Together they make amazing friends and business partners. Aquarius is a fun-loving sign who does not take any one or anything seriously including themselves which always serious and worrying Virgo finds quite fascinating. Similarly, Virgos are the most ordered individuals one can come across; they do everything with a distinct precision and keep everything around them exceedingly in order which interests a usually absent-minded Aquarius. They do not get together instantly but to bring them together requires certain efforts but once they are together there is never a dull moment in Aquarius-Virgo Love Compatibility.

Aquarius is the sign of change while Virgo wants to stay at the same place as it is an earth sign. The Water Bearer has got the gift of the gab while Virgo talks seldom and believes in action speaking louder than words. They both work at different speeds and have different perceptions about managing things. For Aquarius-Virgo Marriage Compatibility to work, they both should play their strengths Money is one area where they both somewhere share a similar viewpoint. They both like spending their money carefully, Virgo being more careful than Aquarius.

When Virgo's clear thoughts and cleverness meets the innovative and genius approach of an Aquarius, we get a Aquarius-Virgo Relationship Compatibility that is uniquely magical.

Before knowing about the Aquarius Man Compatibility with Virgo Woman and Virgo Man Compatibility with Aquarius Woman, it is imperative to gain an insight on both the Zodiac Signs.

AQUARIUS (22nd January - 19th February)

Ruled by Uranus and Saturn, Aquarius are mysterious people who can at times get real tough to understand. Friendship and teamwork is what this Zodiac sign represents. Being the Water Bearer, Aquarius possess an innovative energy which they tend to apply on all things in life. They want to explore the world in its minutest form be it learning electronic music or experiencing living on the edge. They are most courteous and soft spoken people you would ever come in contact with. They love to defy the usual public opinion in the most unconventional and unpredictable manner. Aquarius are the most quirkiest signs among all; they do not conform with the usual standards and wear the weirdest and most unusual attires. It is the sign that has the ability to bring groups of people together for a social cause or any agenda. Aquarius is the philosopher of the Zodiac and contemplates reality to the core and beyond. For them, learning is a continuous process and this is what life's about.

A true Aquarius will always have a mysterious vibe around them. It is quite difficult to penetrate the mysterious and magical knowledge of this Air sign. They love their freedom and like keeping things a little casual. Aquarius are free-spirited souls and cannot focus their energy on just one individual. It can make the otherwise buoyant and cheerful Aquarius go a little off balance. This Water Bearing sign is a nomad to the word and this behavior of theirs can at times backfire and compel them to lead a life of loneliness. They have the habit of over thinking way too much with unsettling anger issues. They get easily bored by repetition and crave for adventure. When it comes to romantic relationships with an Aquarius, friendship is the key. They find it really hard to commit to a person, but once they do, this Water Sign is a devoted and loyal partner.

VIRGO (23rd Aug - 22nd September)

The Healers of the Zodiac, Virgo finds a different kind of bliss in serving others. They possess a keen desire to work for the wellbeing of others. Symbolized by the Virgin, this zodiac gets the traits of purity, methodical organization and truth. 'Attention to detail' is the modus operandi of this earth sign as they are quite critical and picky about everything in life. They are perfectionist to the word and tend to notice any flaw or discrepancy, be it in a thing or in an individual. Whether it is the work ethic or their attire or the way they live their life, Virgo in every sense epitomizes flawlessness to the point of being critical.

The Virgin is so into micromanaging its life that every now and then it requires some lone time to spend. Ruled by Mercury, some Virgos exhibit an endearing charm, wit and energy. This planet renders the ability to Virgo to perform every task with an unprecedented perfection and precision. You can depend entirely on your Virgo friend as they would leave no stone unturned in helping you. They are dependable, sincere and hardworking individuals with little or no time for frivolous things such as laziness and extravagance. They never own any illusions when it comes to life and the people in their life. Individuals of this Zodiac Sign are highly gentle, loving and sophisticated folks and seeing them all cranky and annoyed is a rare sight. A Virgo would offer you as much help as they can but they sure know how to say No when demands of others exceed beyond a reason. Also, as they are critical of others and their flaws but Virgo openly resents anyone taking out their flaws and criticizing them. This is the reason they are often termed as selfish. When it comes to love and relationship, do not expect a storybook kind of a romance from Virgo. They are extremely practical and their only way of showing love is utmost devotion.


Aquarius Male and Virgo Female Marriage Compatibility contains all the ingredients of success provided they work for it. She will bring order in his haphazard life along with being an amazing career woman and an equally amazing mother. Aquarius Man Virgo Woman Love Compatibility found its way because Virgo woman saw the depth behind his quirky thoughts and somewhere wanted to be a part in his chase of these beautiful ideas and Aquarius man fell for the way she understands the practicality of his approach and thoughts. They both are dreamers regardless of their habits, behaviors and mental capacities and to ensure the longevity of this relationship, they would have to keep their dreams alive.

Aquarius Male and Virgo Female Marriage Compatibility is based on a strong friendship between the two. But like every other relationship, they have their problems, as well. Virgo woman has an obsession for rules and details and Aquarius man is all about breaking the rules and details never mattered to him. The woman worries about his casual disregard and he simply laughs off her concerns which can widen the gap between them and such situations can cause frustration in their routine life. Besides such minor issues, both the partners are kind and caring and will make sure that they do not hurt each other.


Virgo Male and Aquarius Female Marriage Compatibility is slightly complicated as both of these individuals are not that intensely marriage-minded. They take a little longer time than the rest and weigh all the circumstances and decisions before taking the plunge. But, their concepts about marriage are somewhat different. While Aquarius woman is looking for the right person and once she finds him, she would not take much time to get married. Virgo man, on the other hand, is somewhat a loner and marriage is the last thing he would ever want to get into. This is the reason Virgo Man Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility is slightly off balance.

Virgo Man Compatibility With Aquarius Woman can never be a relationship of a lifetime until and unless there is true deep love between them. Virgo man, if plans to get married, would want a stable life of domestic bliss and Aquarius woman being a completely different person than Virgo's imagination will never settle down for this. Virgo Man Aquarius Woman Relationship Compatibility will be a constant conflict between routine and freedom. Virgo man wants order and is quite particular about details of everything around him which a freedom loving Aquarius woman can find frustrating. So, it is an entirely mismatched pair with the only chance of being successful if there is true love between them.


Aquarius and Virgo are two peculiar signs of the Zodiac with each being a little aloof and emotionally detached from the world. Aquarius-Virgo Romantic Compatibility is a relationship that is worth exploring and discovering as these two signs are usually about themselves. Virgo is a pre-planner and would never want to venture out of their comfort zone and Aquarius loves new and random experiences and their life is all about going out of the comfort zone. Their shared love for the society and its issues and their quest of making the world a better place can only give way to strong Aquarius-Virgo Love Compatibility.


Aquarius-Virgo Sexual Compatibility is an experiment of its kind. The sexual dimension in their relationship is quite rewarding and fulfilling as one is about an earthly sensuality and another is about some airy experiments. Aquarius has an airy detachment to physical connection which can blend quite smoothly with Virgo's cool approach towards physical intimacy.

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