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gemini and gemini Compatibility



Two Gemini meeting is like a meeting of two same kinds of people. The initial period of Gemini-Gemini Relationship will be very good as there will be lot of fun with no space for boredom! They crave intellectual stimulating conversations and come up with some innovative ideas which keeps the spark in their relationship alive. Gemini love their freedom and express their views freely. So, when two Gemini come together in a relationship, they enjoy every moment of their togetherness. Not only just both of them, people around will also enjoy their camaraderie. They simply have to avoid competing, rather support each other, then only this Gemini-Gemini Relationship Compatibility can turn out to be very beautiful!

Are Gemini Gemini Compatible?

When two Geminis come together and form a relationship, their bonding will be more on a mental and intellectual level. A Gemini Gemini match would love to have an interesting and intelligent conversation which will stimulate their brains. However, when it comes to their heart, both will have to put in some real effort to make things work. Though, both Geminis will love to be in each other’s company as they have a good sense of humor, urge to have fun activities and are blessed with loads of energy. Gemini and Gemini compatibility looks very promising in that sense.

They are great conversationalists so there won't be any problem in that sense as they will enjoy talking on different topics rather than mundane issues. However, the only flaw in Gemini Gemini Love compatibility will be lack of patience. There will be cases when both will not agree on a particular point, and will exhibit extreme impatience in handling it. Also, Geminis do not think much from their heart, so commitment can be a bit of a problem with them. They tend to get bored very quickly so even if Gemini Gemini love relationship is going on smooth but they are not enjoying, they may leave in between and this is the biggest bottleneck in their relationship. This trait can pop up anytime during their relationship and can cause severe damage to their bond. However, both Geminis can make their relationship work if they develop patience and respect each other’s viewpoint and look beyond just fun towards something serious.

Before we get on to the details about Gemini and Gemini Friendship Compatibility,  Gemini Man Compatibility with a Gemini Woman and Gemini Woman compatibility with a Gemini Man, it is important to gain insights about these Zodiac signs.


Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini is known to have two personalities. They could be fun, expressive and social in one instant and thoughtful, restless and moody in another. Gemini is a very loyal and caring friend for their loved ones, friends & relatives. Though it takes some time for others to win their trust,  but once that is done, then you get the friend/companion for your life. They, at times, act bizarre, and their demeanor is humorous and entertaining with weird acts. On the flip side, they are very articulate and have an uncanny ability to persuade others. Click to know more about fun and moody Gemini .

Can Gemini-Gemini be Good Friends?

When Gemini and Gemini are friends, their camaraderie is infectiously packed with exciting and fun activities. They will admire and respect each other and as both value independence, there will be no problem of space and freedom in their friendship.  Geminis are excellent conversationalists and will enjoy discussing on various topics. Their sense of humor and intellect will make them the best of buddies. However, Gemini should learn to work together instead of finding flaws if they want to keep their friendship forever. Gemini with Gemini friendship is so great that both are more like siblings rather than friends.

Taunt and sarcasm is an integral part of your conversations if you are friends with Gemini. Although it is all done in fun and games, but they should be careful, even if the other person is Gemini, that things do not go out of hand.  Their wit and fun-filled demeanor will enable them to enjoy their camaraderie to the fullest, and they will respect each other’s emotions and feelings as well. The best aspect of Gemini-Gemini Friendship Compatibility is that both the friends will have infectious energy and will keep each other on their toes and will not let their friendship bond become boring. Both of them will make compromises, and their relationship will be mostly good barring a few tussles which will be solved immediately and amicably.

Gemini-Gemini Romantic Compatibility

Gemini is considered to be one of the most versatile zodiacs, and if two Geminis get into a love relationship, Gemini and Gemini love will be excellent because both of them are poised to understand each other very well. The exciting aspect of their nature is that they can change the color as per their surroundings. They can surprise the other person by being extraordinarily jovial and then become extremely depressed in the next minute. They can confuse others by saying things which mean something else; this may seem to be crazy for some people but when it comes to a relationship with another Gemini, this interesting aspect will always be appreciated and understood. Gemini-Gemini Love Compatibility can never be boring owing to their love for varied activities and their ability to talk on diverse things without stopping. Both Gemini partners will chat nonstop on varied and interesting ideas and topics. They will constantly be on a rock and roll ride  and will try and experiment on a lot of things together. This like-mindedness and common interest will strengthen Gemini with Gemini love match, but on the flip side, too much of hustle-bustle will deviate both of them to spend quality time with each other. They will communicate excellently but will lack compassion for each other at times. Gemini to Gemini romantic compatibility can work if both the Geminis work on finding the appropriate balance between movement and stability. Also, they should take out time from their social life and huge friends circle to spend quality time with each other.

Gemini-Gemini Sexual Compatibility

Gemini are highly dynamic and like to enjoy each and every moment of intimacy with their partner. They are well informed about various facets of the sexual activity ranging from different foreplay techniques to the mutual pleasing methods, but they will become expert in “the art of lovemaking” only after some experience. The initial phase of the act will involve lot of conversation for a prolonged duration which will improve their bonding and will make Gemini-Gemini Sexual Compatibility. Both the partners are immensely innovative and creative and they will take the same attitude in their bedroom, as well.

Gemini and Gemini in bed will indulge in different experiments apart from long chats. They will have to be creative to keep the spark in their sex life alive because if that is not done then, in the long run, they might lose interest.However, Geminis lack a sense of commitment so the chances of a long term sexual relation compatibility is rather bleak.

Gemini Man And Gemini Woman Compatibility

When a Gemini man and a Gemini woman get into a relationship, they form one of the most vibrant couples. Both will be bubbling with different ideas and see dreams together and discuss at length the ways to achieve them. They will give appropriate space to each other and respect the feelings as well.  It is an exciting match as both will get along as soon as they meet and their very first date will be packed with good conversations and nonstop chats. Gemini man and Gemini woman relationship compatibility will go well if they both start as friends first rather than getting into a love relationship directly because friendship will give them a solid foundation for the future relationship. Gemini man and Gemini woman would like to gauge whether they are the best fit for each other or not. It will be a slow start initially, but that will be absolutely fine for both of them.

Both Gemini man and Gemini woman are very intelligent and sharp, so the conversations between them will be intellectually stimulating. Both will display an amazing sense of humor, and share a great chemistry between them which will acts as a foundation later for their relationship to mature. They will work out all the disagreements and misunderstanding between them by simply talking to each other which will be the most striking feature of their compatibility. Both will support each other during turbulent times, and their companionship will be a treat to watch for others. They will adapt beautifully to each other’s ways and will have the ability to outsmart anyone through their razor-sharp wit. Gemini man and Gemini woman love will also have an element of solace which is hidden under their infectious laughter which they would need time and again. The best thing to do is to give them their me-time when their mood dips to the lower side. Money can be a problem in their relationship as they are highly extravagant  and tend to splurge on luxurious items. They have a flirtatious tendency as well, but it won't affect Gemini man and Gemini woman love compatibility. They will develop loyalty and trust for each other with the passage of time.

How well do Gemini and Gemini click emotionally?

Geminis are not well known to express their emotions. When it comes to comparing with other zodiac signs, Geminis are less emotional but it's a different case when two Geminis get into an association and start a love relationship. Both will gel together and be perfectly comfortable with each other from the inception of their meeting. They can discuss anything under the sun in elaborate detail with each other. This makes their emotional bond stronger. One of them will have to take the lead in this relationship to make it work, and all will depend on their intellectual bonding which will eventually connect them emotionally. Gemini-Gemini Emotional Relationship is strong and cannot be shaken by any turbulence that comes their way.

Are Gemini Gemini true soulmates?

When a Gemini gets into an association with another Gemini, they will fascinate each other through their clever wit, intellectual stories, and exciting tales. They will share a great friendship together and eventually a great relationship. Although, they share common interests and personality traits, but they will have to work together to strengthen their friendship bond over the period of time. Their relationship has a lot of potential of becoming a long-term commitment. Belonging to the same sign, they understand each other in many ways that others do not.  The exciting part of their personalities will be that they will exhibit different behavior at different times and both will be completely okay with it, as well. However, both Geminis together can create almost anything if they do not take the stress and display maturity. Are Gemini-Gemini true soulmates? Well, there can be no better person for a Gemini than another Gemini and they are definitely soulmates in every sense.

Popular Gemini Gemini Celebrity Couples

  • Barbara Bush & George Walker Bush,
  • Shia Labeouf & Carey Mulligan,
  • Mary-Kate Olsen & Olivier Sarkozy

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