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leo and leo Compatibility



It is believed that Leo-Leo compatibility can do wonders and the impossible. This fact keeps Leo-Leo couple aligned and together in a relationship for a really long time.

The main goal of the couple is to find true intimacy and to understand each other's inner emotional beings. Leo has a habit to make a drama out of a small issue and to exaggerate on irrelevant things.

This can become a good thing for their relationship because of their social status and their ability to support each other.

It is a good idea to set the territory that each of them is in change for, in case of a fight for supremacy between them.

They can split their territories, as in, when one is good in the department of emotions, another one should become the best in the physical one.

If they split their ways in such a way, it will become easier for both of them to operate and think of each other as worthy of the relationship.

Lack of respect can only make a loving relationship impossible between them. If this happens, parting ways and searching for a new partner is the best way to stay happy ahead.


When it comes to Leo-Leo Relationship Compatibility, an amazing thing about this relationship is the ability of both the partners to shed a light on each other's important issues.

When they are connected on a deeply personal level, they are able to find a special language of learning and figure out so much about their own problems and other relationships.

The problem arises when they start the battle of egos to prove one another right or wrong. When this situation arises between two Leos, it is impossible to resolve as both of them hold onto their points.

At these situations, they should try to figure out a middle ground or they might end up in a lasting, serious fight over an irrelevant issue.

Talking about the Leo-Leo values occurs like imagining a family of lions in the African savanna, sitting around all day, playing in between, licking their paws, well fed, calmly purring and happy.

Leo-Leo values hold common things as they are two representatives of a similar sign with such strong characteristics and they value similar things.

Generally, Leo values clarity, bravery and can become someone's inner strength. It can be presumed that both of them will value each other because of the similar values that they share.

Their time to rest and play are the things which both of them will value the most, once they are together.

They like to enjoy each other's company as if they are little lions. They are capable of enjoying their leisure time truly and each weekend appears like a paradise.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22)

If leaders are naturally born, then they ought to be Leos. They possess many qualities like, being dramatic, dominant, creative, self-confident, extremely tough to resist and they are extremely enthusiastic about achieving the goals committed by them to themselves or to anyone.

Leos are known as ‘the king of the jungle' because of their specific strengths that they carry. They have many friends around them and are considered to be very loyal and generous towards them. They belong to the element of fire, same as Sagittarius and Aries.

People born under the sun sign of Leo are capable of uniting different groups of people and lead them in the right direction or towards a particular cause.

Their amazing and healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even more quickly and easier.


When it comes to Leo man and Leo woman compatibility, usually, they look for partners that can help them to show their talent in order to really connect instead of simply having the intercourse as an instinctive act.

The main problem that is encountered by two Leo partners is that they can have boundaries and possibly lack of respect that they carry for each other. However, they both like to be with someone who is very confident and they like to hold onto the image of being confident for very long until all sort of obstacles surface.

It is always difficult to get that kind of closeness with all that fire at one place. When you think about the same, what you realize is that there is only one Sun and the solar system revolves around it.


The Leo woman and leo man compatibility is strong and they prove to be reliable partners for each other. Both of the Leo's carry a deep conviction that everything is positive and clear in their lives.

Above all, they are ruled by the Sun, so how could not this be the case for them? It has appeared that they are quite open to other people when they get together, it is a constant struggle for supremacy between them.

They can lead to all kinds of inflated stories. Those, which cannot be repeated and almost are a product of fiction. Leo's are considered to be a bad liar.

Therefore, it would be a shame for the couple to reach to the point where they need to convince each other of anything. They should learn, how to be together with an absolute focus on the other person.

As they turn away and start expressing how amazing they are, they already have lost a chance for trust in advance.


Leo is considered to be a fire sign and possesses fixed qualities which are pretty hard to change when it comes to Leo-Leo romantic compatibility.

Warmth, passion and creative energy are created by the fire of Leo. At times, this fails to be considered as true emotions, particularly by the Water Signs.

It is a good thing that the two Leo signs understand each other perfectly. The fact is that Leo is an extremely emotional sign.

At times, it relies on Cancer and moves to Virgo. Therefore, this is a sign that has an impossible task to connect with pure emotions to pure intellect.

Emotion is, however, their starting point. The main challenge that they face at emotional grounds is the way to express how they feel and not get burnt.

Like all the other fire signs, Leo has a passionate nature that moves fiercely and at times they can regret not following their heart.

They easily substitute passion with their emotions. Often, they burst into flames before even they realize how they feel.

When there are two Leo's, their relationship might occur like a chain of nuclear reactions that has no emotional foundation.

However, underneath the surface, there is so much emotion that when they choose to stay together, only a Leo can understand that how they feel after they outburst in front of the world.


When it comes to Leo-Leo sexual compatibility, the combination of two Leos can be difficult when it comes to the physical intimacy. On the contrary, their sex life can be amazing when they do not indulge into intimacy.

Leo's adore a warm and welcoming nature and a passionate approach towards life, including sex, that keeps them satisfied with each other for a long time.

However, at times, they hide a face behind their acts that they are too proud and avoid to showcase.

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