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Rashifal राशिफल
Raj Yog राज योग
Yearly Horoscope 2025
Janam Kundali कुंडली
Kundali Matching मिलान
Tarot Reading टैरो
Personalized Predictions भविष्यवाणियाँ
Today Choghadiya चौघडिया
Rahu Kaal राहु कालम

leo and taurus Compatibility



Leo-Taurus compatibility is based on the platform made of powerful resolution and decision taking ability. They are bundles of vigor and liveliness though their ruling planets, Sun and Venus represent elements Earth and fire who are not much compatible with each other. However, Taurus-Leo love horoscope suggests that the tuning between the two can be fine, as the Taurus are happy performing backstage and let the Leo take the center stage. The Lion or Leo has a regal tendency while the earthy Taurus as a lover adores the showmanship of the Leo.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up, the Taurus rages on. Solid and persistent, just like the bull, which is Taurus' well-suited symbol. Taurus's have a well-known reputation for being stubborn, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The stubborn streak can cause Taurus to butt heads and conflict with other strong character types. Taurus are not fond of change. They like the familiar and routine comfort of life. Taurus is easy going and not one to pick a fight but should some poor souls attempt to provoke Taurus, the wrath will be known, for they have a temper underneath the calm surface. Taurus are very responsive to their surroundings. They like decorations, color, anything that appeals to all the senses. Taurus like possessions and the Taurus home is nicely decorated with lots of things. Taurus is down to earth, they do not like gaudy, flashy or over the top things. They prefer comfortable and creative settings and objects. Taurus likes security, in every aspect of their lives from home, to love, to career. Taurus can be secretive, opinionated and stingy. Taurus tend to be self-indulgent and lazy, Taurus are master procrastinators of the astrology zodiac! They do however have a strong, persistent drive that comes to life when they chose, and no one would ever know that they are lazy. The secret to this is that their laziness is pushed aside when it comes to themselves.

Taurus Woman and Leo Man Compatibility

The relationship between a Leo man and a Taurus woman is an interesting one, with its own strengths and weaknesses. Fire signs and earth signs are not really natural partners, but this relationship can work if both partners learn to respect their very different ways of living. The Taurus woman has to keep aside her pride or learn to dominate her Leo man if she wants this relationship to go a long way. The later option is not possible as the Leo man has the tendency to show off and the Taurus woman has to resort to the former option for the relation to survive. The Leo man has to keep his showmanship attitude in control as an excess of it might hurt the pride of his partner. The Leo man will shower fondness, emotion and attachment for his Taurus woman and she, in turn, will relish his feelings.

The Leo man is outlandish and craves more attention than one person can easily offer him. Living in the spotlight is his ideal, and it makes it hard to do that if he spends too much time indoors at home. He craves all the best that life can afford him, which applies to food and drink, lifestyle, as well as women. In a relationship with Leo constant compliments and adoration are the ways to his heart and the way to keep him around also. Expressing affection matters the most to him which he himself does in plenty and expects to get same from his lady love.

The threats to the relationship are many but still there are chances to look over them and have a better life. The Leo man likes to go out on the town and parade around a bit, always craving a little more attention and stimulating experience than he already has. Taurus women are reluctant to spend too much time running around outdoors, preferring the comfort of their own home to anything that the world beyond it can offer. He can spend exorbitant amounts of cash while he's out having his fun, and she resents this, believing that he should be saving the money for their future together. Despite all the bickering and disagreements that may come into this relationship, the two have so much respect and affection for each other that they stand a good chance of overcoming their issues. If Taurus is patient enough, which she likely will be, Leo may have the time he needs to grow up a bit.

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