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virgo and aries Compatibility



Arians and Virgos are both honest.

Virgo-Aries Relationship Compatibility

Aries and Virgo have so many striking differences in their personalities that to say they are poles apart would not be an exaggeration in any sense.Both Aries and Virgo are industrious and ambitious, but while Aries is impulsive and forceful in their working style, Virgo shows more carefulness, patience and persistence. Aries skips minute details, likes to see the complete picture and, hence, is able to see the end result much faster than Virgo who is almost always engrossed with microscopic analysis of every possible detail and cannot generalize. Aries doesn't understand fussing and mulling over small matters. Virgo feels Aries is insincere and careless.

Aries loves to initiate things but may lose all the excitement on the way. Virgo, on the other hand, wants to bring fruition to things they have started no matter how long it takes and how boring it gets. Both of these signs react adversely to smallest doses of criticism, although the type of response differs vastly. Aries does things on pure feelings and impulse and even believes in miracles, but all of it never occurs to a staunchly realistic and practical sign like Virgo.

Aries (15th April to 14th May)

The Aries born people are fiercely independent in nature. They do not react well to taking orders from others and thus often end up in being the one doing things on their own. The Aries people hate sluggishness and slowness in anything. They would rather take down any obstacle that may come their way and clear it to make their own way. The Aries has quite a strong sense of business and entrepreneurial skills; which make them good entrepreneurs. But in that domain too they have set patterns and values which make partnerships or enterprises difficult. However, Aries are some of the most generous of people that you will come across. They, if befriended can give up their lives for you. They are frank and direct people who do not mince words. They also possess a high sex drive and make excellent lovers and possessive partners.

VIRGO (23rd Aug - 22nd September)

The Healers of the Zodiac, Virgo finds a different kind of bliss in serving others. They possess a keen desire to work for the wellbeing of others. Symbolized by the Virgin, this zodiac gets the traits of purity, methodical organization and truth. 'Attention to detail' is the modus operandi of this earth sign as they are quite critical and picky about everything in life. They are a perfectionist to the word and tend to notice any flaw or discrepancy, be it in a thing or in an individual. Whether it is the work ethic or their attire or the way they live their life, Virgo in every sense epitomizes flawlessness to the point of being critical.

The Virgin is so into micromanaging its life that every now and then it requires some lone time to spend. Ruled by Mercury, some Virgos exhibit an endearing charm, wit and energy. This planet renders the ability to Virgo to perform every task with an unprecedented perfection and precision. You can depend entirely on your Virgo friend as they would leave no stone unturned in helping you. They are dependable, sincere and hardworking individuals with little or no time for frivolous things such as laziness and extravagance. They never own any illusions when it comes to life and the people in their life. Individuals of this Zodiac Sign are highly gentle, loving and sophisticated folks and seeing them all cranky and annoyed is a rare sight. A Virgo would offer you as much help as they can but they sure know how to say No when demands of others exceed beyond a reason. Also, as they are critical of others and their flaws but Virgo openly resents anyone taking out their flaws and criticizing them. This is the reason they are often termed as selfish. When it comes to love and relationship, do not expect a storybook kind of a romance from Virgo. They are extremely practical and their only way of showing love is utmost devotion.

Virgo Man and Aries Woman Love Compatibility

She feels it's good to convey healthy criticism but he thinks there is no such thing as a ‘healthy' criticism. He does not respect rules while she wants to abide by all the rules. He does not hold back from giving off some steam in her direction. She will heat the environment up by chiding him for losing his temper. From an astrological point of view, this love match has fewer chances of surviving the heat after the first hot summer's day. At first glance, this couple has little in common. The bold and go-getting Aries man wouldn't be interested, we assume, in the meek and mild Virgo woman. She in turn, devoted and loyal, would be much too easily hurt by the aggressive and self-centered Aries man. It's true that this relationship does need a lot of work by both parties, but Aries man Virgo woman compatibility can work if both partners are willing to adapt.

A Virgo woman is just a perfect face of delicacy with brains. She has a beautifully imaginative soul but is a butcher when criticizing the weak points of anything or person. Her modesty is adorable and her sheer love is no less than a priceless gift to people around her. Having her as his partner, An Aries man is provided with someone who completely supports all his endeavors and is always there to guide him with her bright and intelligent suggestions. Though this may sometimes challenge his male superiority now it's his turn to understand that this is her way to show love and concern. She always likes to be herself and wants her man to be himself; pretension is something out of her dictionary. This not only gives a sense of relief and freedom to him but also builds a mutual trust and understanding between both of them. One thing he has to keep in mind is that she has clarity of vision and can never accept herself to be wrong. She is always correct in her eyes and no one can ever do things in a better way than herself.

An Aries man always provides a Virgo woman with the energy and passion she lacks in her individuality. He is a great admirer of intellect and appreciates every aspect of womanhood of her. But at the same time, he hates to be guided and dictated. This hurts his ego and his self-superiority leading to clashes in the relationship. He always supports his Virgo woman in her blues and is beside her in all ups and downs. His loyalty and courage is something that drives her crazy and she is ready to be his co-pilot in all his exciting trips which fill in oomph in her life too. She has to just avoid being bossy with him as this is one thing he can never stand. He can sooth away all the fears and worries of her and teach her to be more open and expressive at least with him. He is a jolly mate being with if treated properly and can take her to the skies of her imaginations and expectations with his passionate ways of loving and expressing.

The best hope for the Aries man Virgo woman relationship is that he learns to live with her nagging and she learns to accept that he isn't going to change. If both partners can remember and recognize what made them fall in love in the first place, they will be OK. Virgo woman needs to focus on her Aries guy's strengths, while he needs to focus on the humility and mysterious qualities which first drew him to his Virgo lady. The problem is that both seek to change the other – Virgo always wants to change everyone, while the Aries man wants the Virgo woman to become more like someone else entirely. Acceptance is the key.

Virgo Woman and Aries Man Compatibility

As the Fire element of Aries mix with the Earth element of Virgo, it makes a difficult combination, but with certain merits of its own. Aries need stimulation and excitement while Virgo needs safety and security in the relationship. These two signs can be quite active together and pour some energy into activities they perform together.

An Aries woman always gives a Virgo man the energy and spark, he lacks in his individuality. She is an inordinate devotee of his intelligence and appreciates every aspect of planning and working. She always supports him in his blues and is beside him like a solid rock in all ups and downs. Her reliability and courage is something that drives him crazy and he is ready to be her partner to fulfill all her exciting dreams which fill enthusiasm in his life too. He has to just avoid being bossy with her as this is one thing she can never stand. She can sooth away all the fears and worries of the Virgo male and teach him to be more amicable and expressive at least with her. She is a jolly mate and can take him to the skies of his imaginations and expectations with her passionate ways of loving and expressing.

A Virgo man is one person who gives his Aries female the richest and sincerest form of love throughout their lives. He is very trustworthy and considerate. She always appreciates the nature of a Virgo man to work towards finer perfections and plan everything down to the last detail. This gives her a sense of relief and security in life. He is always willing to edify her, while refraining from the competition. He makes her hidden Aries anxieties and secret fears of inadequacy melt away and brings peace to her life. The extreme nature of Aries woman never intimidates him and he admires her strong will and passion. Though she may feel bored sometimes due to his passive calm nature her impulsive behaviors fill up the air with much excitement around both of them but this time rather more sensibly.

This unlikely pairing is likely to go from strength to strength as both partners mature. As they grow together, the Aries woman will learn that she can't always win against her Virgo man's faultless logic and debating skills; the Virgo man will learn to love life a little more and to take more risks. In this way, Virgo man Aries woman compatibility is at its best many years into the relationship rather than at the start. If the couple can only make it that far, however, then they stand every chance of success.

Virgo-Aries Romantic Compatibility

An Aries date with Virgo will be easy going and laid back. However, Virgo expects good manners and classy attire for the occasion. Virgos look for strong partners and will start right off trying to seduce Aries. This fits well since Aries has a strong libido, doesn't hide feelings and doesn't have the patience for details. A love match will happen quickly since these two zodiac signs have a natural sexual attraction toward each other. A long-term relationship will go smoothly if Aries and Virgo focus on the good qualities of each other and not on their differences. It is also possible for this couple to find comfort in a love relationship because they honestly want to help each other.

Virgo-Aries Sexual Compatibility

Astrologically, Aries and Virgo are a good sexual combination. Love making is bliss because they see sex as a renewal of their desires. Aries embodies passion but must respect the delicacy of Virgo. Virgo's erogenous zone is the stomach, so soft caresses and tickles are a turn on and a caring Aries will display affection and tender touching. In most Aries-Virgo relationships, a Virgo male will feel that the Aries female is all the woman he will ever want. Since Aries likes physical, fast and sometimes rough sex, his Virgo woman may feel that he doesn't take enough time in the bedroom for true sensuality. If Aries doesn't respect Virgo's sensitivity, there will be contention in their sexual relationship.

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