2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit Predictions for SCORPIO
Find out how the Rahu-Ketu Transit will affect you if your Moon Sign is Scorpio.
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Rahu Transit to Eighth House of Scorpio
The transit of Rahu in the 8th house is likely to bring peace and relief in your life after a phase of mixed emotions and a lot of chaos. You might face some legal disputes during this transition. During this phase, you are likely to pay attention to your health and join a fitness session. You would feel a little difficulty in resolving the past issues and thus likely to feel de-motivated. Your family will provide you with moral support. You might get inclined towards spirituality too.
Ketu Transit to Second House of Scorpio
The transit of Ketu in the 2nd house will provide you moderate results. You are your family members are likely to participate in several charitable and divine acts. You might feel that people don’t have time for you as all your friends, family and peers will remain busy in their own work. You would experience a silent and calm environment at your home and this can make you feel detached too. You are likely to make good strategies during this transition which can offer you great results in the coming timeframe. Your expense will be higher.
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Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Career and Wealth of Scorpio
Till the time, things were going smooth for you. But during this transit, you might face various hurdles and obstacles in your career growth which will emphasize you to make those extra efforts. You would be feeling disappointed due to the sudden downfall in the career. You might also plan to change your job. Avoid taking risks. You need to undertake an in-depth analysis before making a vital decision. There are chances of some property related disputes as well.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Love and Relationship of Scorpio
The presence of Rahu and Ketu in the 8th and 2nd house is not a favorable placement as it may have a malefic effect on your relationship as well as your spouse. It indicates that your partner is likely to suffer from various health issues. If you are looking for marriage, then you must take the call as the time is good for such auspicious ceremonies. There would be a cordial relationship with your father. You would remain concerned because of your mother’s health.
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Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Health of Scorpio
It seems that the transit is not good for you as certain health issues may put you in concern. You are in a need a keep strict eyes upon the symptoms of any upcoming health ailment. You must also engage in various physical fitness practices. If you are undergoing any sort of medication, then make sure that you are taking the correct treatment for it.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Remedies for Scorpio
The most significant remedy for you to nullify the malefic effects of this transit is to wear a yellow-colored Sapphire and also keep a fast on every Monday.
- Click here to know about 2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit predictions for SAGITTARIUS!
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